25,426 Words in…I’m Breaking Free

Dreaming has always been my best character trait. My imagination could go to Mars and back if I let it. Creating something from just my little brain has always been something that I have been intrigued by. Especially when it comes to seeing it come to life. That is when it really gets me going.

As much as I love creating and expression, I have neglected it severely. Not just these past few months with ignoring my blog and book, but throughout my entire life. Fear has had quite the hold on me when it comes to expressing myself and just going for things in life that I want. It has compromised my confidence and made me be the skeptic when it comes to my own advice.

When it comes to my personal life, I must say that things haven’t been the greatest. In fact, I believe emotionally, I am continuing down the slope of fear, anxiety, and depression. When talking to others about their stories, I’ve always ranted on about how they should share theirs and fear no one. Yet, when it comes to mine I have remained silent. Writing my book and just reading from the great authors of past and present, it is brought to my attention the injustice I am bringing to myself if I don’t break free from the chains I myself have put on me and go with my heart and my faith.

At first, I thought writing this book would just be an experiment on how far I could go with my creativity. But slowly and surely it has branched its way across my life and how I see things. Not just with writing, but with medicine, relationships, self-worth, and everything in between. Writing has become a part of me. A necessity in order for me to break free so to speak. (I’m so mushy!) As I make my way to 30,000 words it has become apparent that in order to work on myself this book has to be finished as well. This blog has to be worked on too. As mushy as it sounds, it has become a part of me that I can’t let go. And I no longer want to.